The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

Once there was a lighthouse keeper called Mr. Grinling. At night time he lived in a small white cottage perched high on the cliffs, and in the daytime he rowed out to his lighthouse to clean and polish the light. Every day Mr Grinling tucks into delicious lunch, prepared by his wife, Mrs Grinling. But Mr Grinling isn't the only one who enjoys the tasty food.

Model: ISBN9781909225718
£30.99  Excl. VAT
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Once there was a lighthouse keeper called Mr. Grinling. At night time he lived in a small white cottage perched high on the cliffs, and in the daytime he rowed out to his lighthouse to clean and polish the light. Every day Mr Grinling tucks into delicious lunch, prepared by his wife, Mrs Grinling. But Mr Grinling isn't the only one who enjoys the tasty food, so Mrs Grinling has to think of a way to stop the greedy seagulls from stealing the lighthouse keeper's lunch. First published over thirty years ago, THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S LUNCH has become a modern picture book classic and is loved by children everywhere.


The format of this book is: softback cover with matt finish, tiresias font of 75pt, and Grade 1 UEB Braille. If you require any changes to this format please indicate in 'special requirements' box at checkout.


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